


Organizing the Elements.pdf

Use the video and notes to complete the first assignment of this unit. 






Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the first assignment.

Once you have submitted Assignment #1, continue below with the notes on Periodic Trends.



Periodic Trends.pdf

Use the video and these notes to complete the second assignment of this unit. 






Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the second assignment.

Once you have finished the videos and looked at the notes, you are now ready for assignment #2.

Assignment #2


Pg. 178 #16-23

Pg. 181 #36-39,41-43

**In order to answer some of the questions on ionization energy, you may need to skim the section on page 173 and look at table 6.1.

Once you have finished assignment #2 and have had a chance to review your answers you are ready to begin the preparation for the first quiz. Try the Kahoot below to see how much you know.


Kahoot Activity

Game Pin: 08545303


Once you have had a chance to go over the Kahoot and ask any questions you have you are ready for the quiz. See Mr. Muise when you are ready.



Periodic Trends Quiz

Need some help with a previous concept?

All finished this unit?? Onto the next!