The Measure of Science.pdf
**Only go through the notes until you get to the slide the says “Part 1 Worksheet” Complete the first assignment before moving onto the rest of the notes.
Metric Conversions Table
Metric System Examples – To go with PDF File
**Use the handouts to go along with the notes and the videos.
Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the first assignment.
Once you have submitted Assignment #1, continue where you left off with the notes and watch the videos below in order to complete Assignment #2.
Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the second assignment.
Once you have finished the videos and looked at the notes, you are now ready for assignment #2.
Extra Practice – Rearranging Equations
This is not an assignment but may be useful if you need extra practice with rearranging formulas.
Rearranging Formulas Extra Practice.pdf
Once the two assignments have been completed, you are ready for the quiz! Please let Mr. Muise know when you are ready to try it.
Extra Assignments
Want another try at the quiz? Or maybe just some extra practice questions? Here are two additional practice assignments. If you would like another try at the quiz, please make sure both assignments are completed, answers are checked, and shown to Mr. Muise.