




Lessons and videos for March 24th and 25th

For your home day, watch the videos to the side and take notes along the way. As a helpful suggestion, try each question out on your own first before checking through the answers.



Lessons and videos for March 26th and 29th

For your home day, you are to finish up the questions that were assigned in the previous class. These were on page 278 # 1­-6,8,9,10(a,b),15, and 20





Lessons and videos for March 30th and 31st

For your home day, watch the videos to the side and take notes along the way. As a helpful suggestion, try each question out on your own first before checking through the answers.



Lessons and videos for April 1st and 6th

For your home day, you are to continue to work on the handout sheet that was given out in class. It can also be found to the left. 





Lessons and videos for April 7th and 8th

For your home day, watch the video to the side and take notes along the way. As a helpful suggestion, try each question out on your own first before checking through the answers.



Lessons and videos for April 9th and 12th

For your home day, you are to continue to work on the handout sheet that was given out in class. It can also be found to the left. 



Lessons and videos for April 15th and 16th

For todays class, we will continue to work on multiplying and dividing radicals. These were on page 289-292 # 1­-6,8-11,13,14,17, and 20

Quiz on Radicals – April 19th and 20th


This quiz will include material up to the end of the multiplication and division section.