


Vectors in Two Dimensions.pdf

Use the video and notes to complete the first assignment of this unit. 






Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the first assignment.

Once you have submitted Assignment #1, and have had a chance to go over your answers and make corrections, you are ready for the quiz on Vectors in 2D. Let Mr. Muise know when you are ready to write it.



Vectors in 2-Dimensions



Uniform Acceleration.pdf

Use the video and these notes to complete the second assignment of this unit. 






Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the second assignment.

Please note that there is an error in the solution to example problem 1. The average acceleration should be 2.5 m/s^2. This happens at about the 6:40 mark of the video.

Once you have finished the videos and looked at the notes, you are now ready for assignment #2. 

Assignment #2


Acceleration Worksheet

Once you have submitted Assignment #2, continue below with the notes on Gravity and Uniform Acceleration.



Gravity and Uniform Acceleration Equations.pdf

Use the video and these notes to complete the third assignment of this unit. 



Big 5 Handout



Use the videos below to help guide you through the notes. These will help you get ready to complete the third assignment.

Once you have finished the videos and looked at the notes, you are now ready for assignment #3. 

Assignment #3


Gravity and Uniform Acceleration Worksheet

Gravity and Uniform Acceleration Worksheet (Solutions)

Use the solutions to check your work as you go through the worksheet. Where the solutions are given, make sure to show your work throughout.

Once you have submitted Assignment #3, and have had the chance to go over your answers and make corrections, continue below to complete the activity.

Uniform Acceleration and Reflex Time Activity

After handing in the Uniform Acceleration activity, you are ready to begin to prepare for the test.


Kinematics Test Review


 To get ready for the unit test, try problems #1-17, and #19. Answers have been provided below for the review. This is not to be passed in, but is intended to give you some more problems to get your ready to complete the unit test on Kinematics.

Kinematics Test Review (Answers)


Once you have had the chance to go over the review and have checked your answers and made corrections then you are ready for the unit test. Please see Mr. Muise when you are ready to write.

Unit Test


Kinematics Unit Test

Extra Assignments


Want another try at the quiz or test? Or maybe just some extra practice questions? Here are two additional practice assignments. If you would like another try at the quiz, please make sure both assignments are completed, answers are checked, and shown to Mr. Muise.

Vectors in Two Dimensions and Relativity Worksheet

Acceleration Worksheet

Gravity and Uniform Acceleration Worksheet

Need to go back to practice a previous concept?

All finished this unit?? Onto the next!